Month: March 2019

In science news, our nation has accelerated its hell-in-a-handbasket journey such that it can cover a decade's worth of entropy in a mere half-year. Which makes sense, given that Donald Trump is actually talking as if nuclear war isn't entirely off the table right now. In fact, we should probably just stop talking about this […]

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Just a few years ago, James Gunn was a champion of the Comic-Con cosmos, having arrived at the convention in 2013 to show off early footage from Guardians of the Galaxy, the Marvel adaptation that would become the director’s breakthrough hit. But on Friday, the 51-year-old filmmaker pulled out of a convention appearance, where he […]

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A conspiracy theory requires some specific conditions to thrive, and you'll find all of them in the current climate. A sense of powerlessness? Check. Generalized anxiety? Absolutely. Deep partisan divide, along with platforms that easily amplify misleading messages? Yes and yes. This makes Megyn Kelly's forthcoming interview with Alex Jones, the InfoWars host renowned for […]

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Sundance and Telluride may have the more marquee names, but the Toronto International Film Festival, perhaps more than any other in North America, has emerged as an embarrassment of cinematic riches. While a late-summer stupor sweeps multiplexes, TIFF plays host to all kinds of movies, from Oscar hopefuls to shoestring indies to foreign favorites and […]

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The United States Department of Veterans Affairs operates one of the country’s largest telemedicine programs, with some 700,000 veterans receiving medical care and advice via their computers and mobile devices last year alone. Now, the VA is announcing a drastic expansion of that program with the launch of a new tool called VA Video Connect, […]

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Even Jerry Seinfeld would find the irony amusing. The comedian, who first made a name for himself railing against the ambiguity of contemporary life, is set to debut his first Netflix special. (It’s hard not to imagine him pacing onstage, hands outstretched in consternation: “What’s the deal with streaming? It’s not … a stream!”) The […]

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One thing you have to admire about gerrymandering: It’s got some wicked slang. Gerrymandering is, of course, the dark art of drawing a legislative map that favors your political party. That involves “packing”—taking all the neighborhoods with voters who hate you and cramming them into one district. (You’ll lose that district by a landslide but […]

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