Month: May 2019

“Unfortunately, she was never socialized properly.” “She’s aggressive toward men wearing hats, men with beards, tall men, big men, men with deep voices, men.” “She’s nervous, but can you blame her really?” “She’s still traumatized by being forced to go outside.” “Give her a cookie and she’ll be your friend for life.” “She likes trash?” “Friendly to dogs, yes.” […]

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WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The special counsel Robert Mueller ignited a firestorm of controversy on Wednesday by recommending that millions of Americans read. Mueller, seemingly oblivious to the uproar he was about to create, repeatedly commented that there was valuable information available to the American people only by reading a long book. Click Here: At the […]

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Since the global financial crisis, European politics have fragmented and swerved alarmingly to the right, as voters across the continent have elected nationalists and given far-right parties their largest vote shares of the postwar era. When, in late May, the European Parliament held its first election since 2014, many feared that far-right parties would increase […]

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After two years of studiously avoiding the spotlight, the special counsel, Robert Mueller, was finally ready to speak to the public. Standing at a lectern with a sign behind him that said “Department of Justice Washington,” he looked every inch the part: dark chalk-stripe suit, white button-down shirt, navy-blue tie, hair parted at the side, […]

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Congratulations! You are now the proud new owner of the world’s premier at-home interactive workout mirror. Each FITNESS MIRROR reflects our company’s high standards, as well as the high fitness standards you’ve chosen to set for yourself. When you look in a FITNESS MIRROR, you’re guaranteed to like what you see, and be totally unaware […]

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Earlier this month, a video circulated online of the chairman of the far-right populist Freedom Party of Austria (F.P.O.), Heinz-Christian Strache, drinking and talking at a holiday villa in Ibiza with a young woman whom he believed to be the niece of the Russian oligarch Igor Makarov. Strache, in a tight-fitting low-necked gray T-shirt, slouches […]

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