Month: April 2020

Cities that took action against COVID-19 before it became a global pandemic are seeing better air quality, according to one University of Toronto researcher. Marc Cadotte tracked the air quality index in six cities and how they dealt with the novel coronavirus in February. He then compared their levels to the same time period in […]

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The latest round of government projections related to the COVID-19 pandemic includes an increasingly common phrase — reaching the peak. But what exactly does that mean? Some experts weigh in: What does it mean to reach a peak in a pandemic? Infectious disease and statistical modelling specialists say to reach the peak in a pandemic curve means […]

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OTTAWA — The Conservatives’ bid to have Parliament sit in person several times a week throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been thwarted by the combined forces of the governing Liberals and other opposition parties. A government motion calling for once-a-week in-person sittings, to be supplemented eventually by virtual sittings, was passed Monday by a vote of […]

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After weeks of worry about being left out of the CERB, COVID-19 financial relief is finally coming for Canadian post-secondary students.  On Wednesday, Justin Trudeau’s federal government announced a $9-billion financial aid package targeted at supporting students during the COVID-19 pandemic. “To all the students watching today let me say this: As you’re building your […]

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STOCKHOLM/SHANGHAI — Swedish activist Greta Thunberg joined calls on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday for a combined effort to tackle the coronavirus pandemic and the climate crisis. Dramatic improvements in air and water quality as coronavirus lockdowns have cut pollution have prompted calls for a low-carbon future, but the need to get millions […]

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The state’s highest court reinstated the first-degree murder conviction for Aaron Hernandez, the former Patriots star who committed suicide in his jail cell while in the process of appealing his conviction. The decision Wednesday morning overturns ancient legal precedent that stated a defendant’s conviction should be vacated if they die during the appeals process. “We […]

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Quelque 83% des habitants d’Ile-de-France y trouvent l’air de mauvaise qualité, un chiffre en augmentation de 18 points en six ans, et ils sont plus d’un quart à avoir été amenés à consulter un médecin, révèle un sondage Ifop paru jeudi. L'inquiétude porte d'abord sur les gaz d'échappement, jugés “préoccupants“ pour 91% des personnes interrogées, […]

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La quantité et la taille des particules polluant l’air de Paris ont été mesurées en permanence pendant 18 mois. Les résultats montrent qu’en une journée standard, les parisiens respirent 200000 particules par litre d’air, c’est-à-dire, toutes les 2 respirations. Les particules très fines, les plus nocives pour la santé, sont 200 fois plus nombreuses que […]

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La marque sportive Roxy annonce le lancement d’une collection de cosmétotextile anti-froid, réalisée en collaboration avec la marque de cosmétiques Biotherm. La championne olympique de snowboard, Torah Bright, est le visage de la collection de cosmétotextile des marques Roxy et Biotherm. Partant du principe qu’en altitude le frottement des vêtements desséchait et irritait la peau, […]

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