Month: May 2020

Oliver Rowland clinched his maiden Formula E ‘Race at Home’ win at Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport on Saturday, the Nissan e.dams driver edging Mercedes’ Stoffel Vandoorne and Audi’s Daniel Abt. Rowland took advantage of contact between early leaders Vandoorne and Abt to take command of the event and never look back. The Mercedes driver’s runner-up spot […]

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OTTAWA — Canada’s spy agency will now recognize the incel movement as ideologically motivated violent extremism, which opens a new door for gender-driven violence to be treated as terrorism and a national security offence. It’s a new approach to online forums for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), […]

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WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Friday categorically denied allegations from a former Senate staffer that he sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s, saying “this never happened.” Biden’s first public remarks on the allegation by former staffer Tara Reade come at a critical moment for the presumptive Democratic nominee as he tries […]

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Pour éviter de propager le nouveau coronavirus, les Français sont désormais largement encouragés à porter un masque, en plus de la distanciation sociale. Mais pour qu’il soit efficace, quelques règles de bonne pratique s’imposent. Sommaire Quels masques ? Règles d’utilisation Lavage et repassage Quels masques ?Les masques de protection sanitaire (chirurgicaux ou FFP2) sont toujours […]

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Amarré dans le port de Sète (sud-est de la France), un navire s’est transformé en usine de production de bouteilles de solution hydroalcoolique, produit rare en pleine épidémie de coronavirus, en promettant de sortir plusieurs centaines de milliers de flacons par semaine. “Dans l’ADN de tout marin, il y a le sauvetage en mer et […]

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“Les Acacias” de Pablo Giorgelli, Caméra d’or au dernier Festival de Cannes, remporte l’Abrazo du Meilleur long métrage au 20e Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine, présidé par l’acteur argentin Ricardo Darin. Les Acacias de Pablo Giorgelli, Caméra d’or au dernier Festival de Cannes, remporte l’Abrazo du Meilleur long métrage au 20e Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine, présidé […]

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OTTAWA — Canada’s contribution to peacekeeping has reached what is believed to be an all-time low, as the Liberal government makes its final push to secure a coveted seat on the United Nations Security Council. UN figures show there were 35 Canadian military and police officers deployed on peacekeeping operations at the end of April. […]

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TORONTO — Three for-profit companies that run Ontario long-term care homes have hired lobbyists with Conservative ties since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the provincial NDP revealed Wednesday.  “Shortly after the first COVID outbreaks in Ontario that happened in nursing homes around March 24, private long-term care operators began to register to lobby the government, including […]

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