The opening credits roll. Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo, and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary.
The NXT General Manager, William Regal, is in the ring to officiate the contract signing between The Street Profits and The Undisputed Era. The Profits introduce Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish in a mocking way, and O’Reilly and Fish say is wasn’t funny. Fish tells The Profits they aren’t on their level and at TakeOver, they stand no chance to leave with the titles. O’Reilly says the real joke is that The Profits are the NXT Tag Team Champions. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins laugh for a bit, and then get serious. Ford says Fish and O’Reilly have shocked the system since they have been in NXT, have had title reigns, and have been featured on almost all the TakeOver events. Dawkins says they are probably the best tag team in NXT history and runs down who all The Era has beaten. Ford says losing is not an option for them. Dawkins says The Profits are going to beat The Era, and that’s undisputed. All of them sign the contract and The Profits leave the ring.

The video hype package for the TakeOver match featuring The Velveteen Dream defending the NXT North American Championship against Pete Dunne and Roderick Strong is shown.
Tonight’s main event: Matt Riddle vs. Killian Dain.

A message from Corey Taylor, the lead singer of Slipknot, airs. He hypes up “Unsainted” being the official theme song for NXT TakeOver: Toronto II.
The video hype package for the TakeOver match between Shayna Baszler and Mia Yim is shown.
Up next: Joaquin Wilde vs. Shane Thorne.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Joaquin Wilde vs. Shane Thorne
Thorne backs Wilde into the ropes, but Wilde counters with a quick roll-up for a one count. They exchange wrist-locks and then Wilde takes Thorne to the mat. Wilde takes Thorne down again with an arm-drag and then delivers a back elbow. Wilde slaps Thorne in the chest and takes him down with another arm-drag. Wilde connects with a cross-body and goes for the cover, but Thorne kicks out at two. Wilde applies a guillotine hold, but Thorne counters with a brain buster. Thorne delivers an uppercut and goes for the cover, but Wilde kicks out at two. Thorne applies a wrist-lock, but Wilde gets free. Thorne runs the ropes, but Wilde drops him with a clothesline. Wilde delivers a jaw-breaker and then an elbow from the ropes. Wilde delivers a hip attack and a chop in the corner, but Thorne comes back with an elbow.
Wilde grabs Thorne and delivers a power bomb from the ropes. Wilde goes for the cover, but Thorne kicks out at two. Wilde goes for the guillotine choke again, but Thorne blocks it and delivers a chop. Thorne delivers an uppercut and goes for a stomp, but Wilde kicks him in the face. Thorne rolls to the floor, but Wilde takes him out with a suicide dive. Wilde connects with another dive over the ropes, but Thorne gets into the ring at the nine count. Thorne rolls back to the floor and pulls Wilde out of the ring. Thorne slams Wilde into the ring post and the steps, and then slams him on the entrance ramp. Thorne slams Wilde into the barricade and tosses him back into the ring. Thorne delivers a knee strike and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Shane Thorne

The video hype package for the TakeOver match between Io Shirai and Candice LeRae is shown.
Up next: Matt Riddle vs. Killain Dain.

The video tribute for Harley Race is shown.

Killain Dain attacks Matt Riddle during his entrance and beats him down on the outside. Riddle tries to fight back, but Dain slams him into the steps. Dain delivers a rolling senton into the steps and then heads backstage.
A recap of the NXT Breakout Tournament is shown. The finals between Cameron Grimes and Jordan Myles will be on next week’s show.

Footage of Fandango’s return last week is shown, when he saved Tyler Breeze from a beat down by The Forgotten Sons. Cathy Kelley interviewed Breezango shortly after that. Breeze asks Fandango where he has been, and Fandango says he was in too deep. Fandango says they were too busy policing others and they let their fashion sense get too weak. Fandango says Breezango needs a little makeover and they walk away. Breezango will take on The Forgotten Sons next week.

The video hype package for the TakeOver match between Adam Cole and Johnny Gargano is shown.Click Here: