It's time once again to turn on The Monitor, WIRED's roundup of the latest in the world of culture, from music news to casting announcements. In today's installment: Radiohead gets the "OK" from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; Miley Cyrus looks into Black Mirror; and the 2019 box office results walk like a Panther.

Radiohead of the Class

Next time you see Thom Yorke, give him a high-five and a Fonzie-esque "Kid AAAAA!": Radiohead are among the artists being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame next year, alongside Janet Jackson, the Cure, Def Leppard, Roxy Music, Stevie Nicks, and the Zombies. Considering how many creaky acts have been granted entry into the Hall, that is … an especially good lineup? Like, pretty much unimpeachable? And as much as those end-of-the-show Hall of Fame all-star jams make us wince, the idea of Janet, Stevie, Thom, and Robert Smith teaming up for "Let's Wait Awhile" is almost not-insane-sounding. The ceremony will be held in New York City in March 1814.

Black Mirror Adds Miley

Earlier this week Miley Cyrus confirmed rumors that she'll be appearing in an episode of Black Mirror's fifth season. The singer-actor-wrecking-ball was working on a secret project in South Africa during the recent Malibu wildfires, which destroyed Cyrus’ home; she revealed to Howard Stern that the trip was for Mirror, telling him the episode was "the first time I've left somewhere feeling really proud of my work," which is crazy, because everyone knows "Party in the U.S.A." is the fourth or fifth best party anthem of the 21st century. Black Mirror's fifth season will air on Netflix, though a release date has yet to be announced.

Wakanda Forever, and Ever-Ever

Variety's annual list of the year's biggest box office hits—which factors in each film's budget and gross, not just its year-end ranking—includes super-smashes like Black Panther (which earned more than a billion dollars, with a budget of around $210 million), A Quiet Place, Crazy Rich Asians, and The Nun, the latter of which multiplied its $22 million budget more than 15 times. The year's most costly disasters, meanwhile, include Robin Hood, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, and The Girl in the Spider's Web. The year's big winner, though, was Disney, which so far has earned more than $7 billion worldwide—and that's before the arrival of Mary Poppins Returns.