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As previously reported, WWE announced the release of several Superstars today including Emma, Darren Young and Summer Rae. NXT newcomer Lio Rush then made some careless remarks on Twitter, “joking” about Emma not being “ready for Asuka” which provoked an immediate response from many of his WWE colleagues.

Rush has since deleted the original tweet and posted the following apology:

“At the end of the day there’s a certain level of respect within professional wrestlers in the sports & ENTERTAINMENT industry that is noted within peers. With that being said, Emma I respect you and everything that you’ve done for our business. It saddens me that the ‘controversial tweet’ got completely blown out of proportion and looked at in a very insensitive way. As a family man with a 4 year of son expecting another, I would never laugh or mock the fact of someone loosing there job because of how it can affect self person and there families. Whatever the situation may be regarding the release. You’re an amazing performer and respected athlete by yours truly and I’m sure you will excel beyond expections. To my fans who may have seen this as inappropriate as well as Emma’s fans, I apologize and I love you ALL regardless of the responses. On Behalf of myself and the WWE Goodluck!”

We’re not exactly sure how else to look at his original tweet (sent less than half an hour after Emma lost her job) besides “insensitive”, but at least Rush is sorry…that it got “blown out of proportion”. Apparently several members of the WWE roster didn’t buy into the apology either, including 205 Live Superstar Jack Gallagher and Dash Wilder.

– Gallagher: “Apologizing because people didn’t like your joke, not for joking about someone losing their job. Also, try the English classes at the PC.”

– Wilder: “So busy trying to be a comedian, you forget you’re a dumbass.”