Près de deux semaines après avoir mis au monde son second enfant, un adorable petit Jace Joseph qui a pointé le bout de son nez le 29 novembre 2018, Jana Kramer s’est emparée de ses comptes sur les réseaux sociaux pour pousser un sérieux coup de gueule.

L’ex-actrice de la série Les frères Scott, qui s’est toujours montrée très ouverte pour évoquer ses problèmes de santé (elle a vécu plusieurs fausses couches), s’est dite très remontée contre toutes les personnes malintentionnées qui la critiquent sur son poids et sa silhouette post-grossesse. “Je suis tellement frustrée et je dois vider mon sac. (…) C’est incroyable les commentaires et combien certaines personnes peuvent être désagréables (…). Non, je n’ai pas eu une abdominoplastie, non, je n’ai pas de chef personnel (…). Pourquoi les femmes doivent-elles se comparer les unes aux autres, puis s’humilier ? Je me le dis autant que je le dis à tout le monde : pourquoi ne pourrions-nous pas être tous différents ? Nos corps sont tous beaux et fabriqués différemment, ils guérissent différemment, ils réagissent différemment, ils ont simplement un aspect différent. Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de faire honte à quelqu’un parce qu’il ne ressemble pas à ce que nous pensions ? (…) Pouvons-nous être plus gentils avec nous-mêmes et savoir que chaque femme a un parcours différent mais que nous sommes toutes belles ? Pouvons-nous éduquer les femmes sans se démolir en comparant ? Essayons cela…“, a-t-elle écrit. Voilà qui est dit !

A few things because honestly I’m so frustrated and I need to vent this. I wanted to post this photo (showing my stomach) because I wanted to show my journey back to healthy and my goodness I’m so glad I didn’t which is why this photo is now cropped. It’s amazing the comments and how rude some people can be from my last photo I took yesterday. A few things, no I didn’t get a tummy tuck, no I don’t have a personal chef, no I don’t have fortunes so I didn’t train everyday. Yes I had a c section, yes I am still in pain and on meds but I do have a high pain tolerance. I have had 3 stomach surgeries before this (appendix, gallbladder, and c section).. In that photo I had a belly bandit wrapped tightly, and high waisted pants and wow here I am defending myself. Why?!? If I would have posted the photo of my actual stomach in this photo I would have probably been shamed too even when I was wanting to be vulnerable with my journey. Why do we women have to compare ourselves to each other and then shame?. I say this to myself as much as I say this to y’all…why can’t it be that we are all different. Our bodies are all beautiful and crafted differently, they heal different, they react different, they simply look different. Why do we need to shame someone for not looking a certain way? Or feel bad about ourselves for looking a certain way? Can we be kinder to ourselves and know that every women has a different journey but yet we are all beautiful? Can we lift women up but not tear yourself down in the process with comparing? Let’s give that a try…..I love y’all. Back to my baby.

Une publication partage par Jana Kramer (@kramergirl) le

Make sure to tune into our podcast whine down tomorrow to see why we had to come in on a Sunday to record. @iheartradio #realtalk #takeyourkidstoworkday

Une publication partage par Jana Kramer (@kramergirl) le

I literally can’t with these two. #fatherson

Une publication partage par Jana Kramer (@kramergirl) le

Baby Jace is obsessed with his new @dockatot. He’s been lounging and sleeping so cozily… I love that I can always keep him close to me. #ad This is the Deluxe+ size so it’s perfect for babies under 8 months and the Grand size can grow with them until they are 3 years+. And guess what babes?! Now it’s giveaway time! – We’re giving away TWO GRAND OR DELUXE DOCKS – one to you and a friend. Includes everything I got for the new baby: Grand or Deluxe+ dock AND One Grand or Deluxe+ TravelBag (value of $400+). Contest ends at 12:00pm PST on 12/11/18. Winner will be selected at random on 12/12/18 and notified via DM by DockATot. – All you have to do to enter to win ALL THIS GOODNESS: 1. Like this photo 2. Follow me and @dockatot 3. Tag a bestie so they can win, too. – Wishing you all the best! @dockatot will contact the winner directly.. In the meantime if you can’t wait, you can also use code Jana15 so you can get 15% off your order off at right now! xoxo #dockatot #giveaway #babygear #babylounger – NOTE: By entering you confirm you are 18+ years of age, release Instagram of responsibility and agree to Instagram’s terms of use. This contest is not affiliated with Instagram in any way. Your Instagram account must be set to public. US shipping addresses only. No PO boxes.

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Une publication partage par Jana Kramer (@kramergirl) le

#Ad Brother, Sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends. Joy & laughter or tears & strife, holding hands tightly as we dance through life (S. Huitt). We’re so blessed & Jolie is over the moon! The last few months would’ve been much harder without Bonjesta (doxylamine succinate/pyridoxine HCl). It helped manage my #morningsickness when diet & lifestyle changes didn’t work. It’s a safe & effective new formulation of the drug combination I took before that’s made to work faster & longer. It isn’t known if Bonjesta is safe & effective in women with severe nausea & vomiting of pregnancy. Women with this condition may need hospitalization. Most common side effect is drowsiness. See full prescribing information at & watch my pregnancy journey. For US Residents Only. WHAT IS BONJESTA? Bonjesta is a prescription medicine used to treat nausea & vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) in women who haven’t improved with change in diet/other non-medicine treatments. It isn’t known if Bonjesta is safe & effective in women with severe NVP. Women with this condition may need hospitalization. It isn’t known if Bonjesta is safe & effective in children under 18. SELECT SAFETY INFORMATION DON’T TAKE BONJESTA IF YOU: are allergic to doxylamine succinate, other ethanolamine derivative antihistamines, pyridoxine HCl or any ingredients in Bonjesta (see Patient Information for list of ingredients); take monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you aren’t sure if you take an MAOI). POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS The most common side effect of Bonjesta is drowsiness. Don’t drive, operate heavy machinery or do other activities that need your full attention unless your HCP says you can. Don’t drink alcohol, or take other CNS depressants such as cough & cold medicines, certain pain medicines & medicines that help you sleep while taking Bonjesta. Severe drowsiness can happen or become worse causing falls/accidents. Bonjesta may cause false positive urine drug screening test for methadone, opiates & PCP. Report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA at or 1-800-FDA-1088.

Une publication partage par Jana Kramer (@kramergirl) le