It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an astronomical marvel!

That was the case for Saskatoon resident Adam Frank this weekend. Well, the last part anyway, when a bright meteor streaked past his window. 

Frank said he was working upstairs at home Saturday night when he saw a bright flash of light.

“I live by the airport and normally I see lights fly by, but they don’t fly by from that angle,” he told HuffPost Canada. “I looked up and it just lit up the whole sky. It was like it was so cool.”


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Frank ran downstairs to see if his doorbell camera had caught anything. Sure enough, the meteor was captured clearly.  

“I was really hoping it was aliens, but I know it’s not,” he laughed.

If you’re hoping to see an astronomical marvel yourself, you’re in luck. This week will mark the peak of the annual Quadrantid meteor shower, when the earth passes through a band of space dust and could produce up to 120 shooting stars an hour. 

The International Meteor Organization predicts the peak of that shower will be Jan. 4 at 8:20 UTC, which is 4:20 a.m. AST, 3:20 a.m. EST and 12:20 a.m. PST. With dark skies predicted, it’ll be the perfect time to get out and look at the stars.

Or if you’re Frank, just make sure your doorbell cam is on.

WATCH: More on 2020′s first meteor shower.

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