As the deadline approaches for Americans to file their taxes, House Democrats are launching new efforts to force President Donald Trump to disclose his tax returns.

The latest, filed Wednesday, is a “discharge petition” put forth by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) to require the president, future presidents, and presidential nominees to release their tax returns.

Eshoo tweeted Wednesday morning:  “It’s about time that @realDonaldTrump’s taxes saw the light of day.”

As The Hill explains, 

Politico writes that this “latest effort to produce the president’s tax documents won’t be successful,” noting that it’s only secured two Republican co-sponsors so far: Reps. Mark Sanford (S.C.) and Justin Amash (Mich.), and it needs a majority of House signatures to get to a vote.

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But on getting more GOP backing, Eshoo said at press conference that she’s “an optimist,” and expected such support to grow as “it’s meritorious” and is what the lawmakers’ constituents want.

She added: “I am hopeful that Republicans will see the light—some have—and I think that more will.”

Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who was also at the press conference, added: “The American people are demanding these tax returns, and the pressure will not let up. We want to know!”

Whether it fails or succeeds, Politico continues, the procedural maneuver

But that priority would be thwarted until Trump releases his tax returns with legislation Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) put forth Monday. His resolution, The Hill writes,

Salon notes that its “the sixth week in a row [that] Democrats in Congress have attempted to force President Donald Trump to release his tax returns.”

The new legislative efforts come less than two weeks ahead of Tax Day marches in over 100 cities across nation which aim “to remind Donald Trump: He works for us now.”

The call-to-action for the march says:

“Without his tax returns, we’re in the dark … about whether he’s operating on behalf of himself or all Americans,” Delvone Michael, a senior political strategist for the National Working Families Party and a member of The Tax March executive committee, said to CNN.

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