If Rolling Stone’s Jeffrey Goodell is correct, the most “striking thing” about the upcoming report by the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change will not be the alarming message it contains about the dangers of a fast-warming planet, but that its publication “may actually mark the beginning of a new phase of the climate wars – one in which scientists and activists learn to fight back.”

Based on leaked portions of draft version of the IPCC assessment, others have pointed out that one of its key messages is the report’s finding that the world’s scientific community is in more agreement than ever that global warming is not only an unprecedented planetary crisis, but that more than 95% of all scientists believe, beyond doubt, that it is being driven by human- and industrial-driven activities.

As Goodell—in a thorough new piece that reviews both the history of the IPCC’s process and its possible future—writes:

But the argument forged by Goodell is not that scientists now need to do a “better job” of explaining the alarming findings of their studies. Nor does he suggest they must become better at fighting off the attacks by the network of climate change deniers funded by the fossil fuel-funded industry and spread by libertarian conspiracy theorists.  All that is well-traveled territory when it comes to climate science.

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Instead, Goodell seems to find agreement with those who say the time for the drawn-out process of the IPCC review assessments may be coming to end.

Quoting David Keith, a Harvard professor who recently resigned as an author of the Fifth Assessment, Goodell says there is a group of scientists who feel as though the dire reality of the climate crisis demands more than a multi-year process that produces a document of many thousands of pages which few people will ever read.

“I think these reports have outgrown their usefulness,” Keith said, adding that if the IPCC process was gone, “scientists might reorganize themselves in a more effective way.”