LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA – La Cañada Flintridge preschool students have predicted the winners of the Super Bowl and point spread. Rams fans can breathe a sigh of relief, because the Hogg’s Hollow preschoolers said the Rams will clinch a 21-14 win against the Patriots.

In an “uncannily accurate” annual tradition, the staff hid 48 mini footballs at a nearby park: two dozen representing the Rams and two dozen representing the Patriots, according to parent Mark Kulkis, whose son attends Hogg’s Hollow. Then the children, all between the ages of 2 and 5, were given five minutes to find as many footballs as they could.

When the dust settled and the count was tallied, the Rams were victorious with 21 footballs found compared to the 14 Patriots footballs found. The seven ball difference was how the point spread was determined.

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“After two years of hitting the nail on the head, we felt it was time to go public with our prognostication this year,” said Rose Hogg, Hogg’s Hollow program director and founder.

But don’t worry, deciding the Super Bowl winner was more than just fun and games – it helped reinforce mathematics concepts as the children were in charge of counting and re-counting the footballs, the press release said. They also learned that an NFL game has four quarters, which is why 24 footballs were used – six for each quarter.

Best of all, the local students were able to get outside in the fresh air, running and laughing as they searched for the footballs.

“We’re big believers in daily outdoor exercise,” Hogg said. “After all the recent rain, it was great for the kids to get out in the sunshine again!”

Photo courtesy of Susan Chheth/Hogg’s Hollow

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