Priscilla Kelly Defends Viral Tampon Video, “Can’t Take Life So Serious”
Mae Young Classic competitor Priscilla Kelly is defending a moment from one of her recent matches in which she pulled a tampon out of her tights and used it on her opponent.
The tampon spot occurred at the end of December during a Suburban Fight event. As seen in the video, Kelly shoves what looks like a used tampon into her opponent’s mouth.
Despite happening one week ago, Gail Kim drew attention to the moment after an apparent subtweet about it. “I’m seeing this post of a women’s match that got disgusting and I’m not gonna repost it Bc it’s seriously a disgrace,” she wrote. “Why??? Whoever thought that was a spot that was gonna get a pop and was worth it….. NO. how about telling a story in the ring with your wrestling instead?
Other tweets from the wrestling community include:
Tessa Blanchard: “I am actually disgusted with this.”
Jim Ross: “Embarassing….”
Angelina Love: “WTF”
Priscilla responded to all the reactions via Twitter, saying:
“Hey guys. Ya know, it’s all fake. 21+ show with a bar. Can’t take life so serious all the time. Call me what you will…”
Darby Allin also came to Priscilla’s defense, writing:
Everyone this isn’t the end of the world. Just like Hollywood movies there is all different kinds of entertainment. Look at yer cherished Will Ferrell movies and all the fake gross scenes they do. Everyone doesn’t have to be a puppet and work the same. It’s entertainment chill.
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