WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair took part in a Q&A at the recent screening of his new ESPN 30 For 30: Nature Boy documentary, which premieres on television via ESPN this Tuesday evening. The folks at Fan Buzz attended the Q&A and reported the following highlights from the event.

On being struck by lightning: “1982, I had just won the world title. I was flying from Miami. They didn’t have jetways then. Landed in a huge torrential downpour. Finally it slowed down enough to just drizzling. I was the second to come off, there was a woman ahead of me. Halfway to the door, all of a sudden, I felt this pulling. It shot sparks 30 feet up in the air. Everyone was screaming. Lightning had hit my umbrella, right up where it had the metal tip and bounced off and hit the guy in the eye behind me and killed him. I froze.”

On drinking stories involving The Undertaker: “1991, flew from New York to Tokyo to wrestle one match. We roared all night long, then got on a plane. Slept three hours and flew to England for another match. Drank all night, then flew back to Chicago. I was sitting in first class, and when I work up, I was laying in coach with my arms across me like Rest in Peace an hour and a half after the plane landed. I missed my connection and the cleanup crew woke me up.

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“(Another one) He and I and Harvey Grant and Curt Hennig started out again. That damn Jack Daniels. Next thing, I woke up in the morning with some alien (a woman) next to me. There were two aliens (two women) actually and I couldn’t find my Rolex. I woke her up and said ‘where’s my Rolex.’ She said, ‘You threw it in a plate of spaghetti at Sabatinos and said you had 11 of ’em, no big deal.'”

On the match he had that got his confidence back in WWE: “I just came back at WrestleMania. We talked about it and got off the subject. Hunter came to me and said, 2004, Toronto, my self confidence was at an all-time low. It was a fight to get myself going. They kept putting me in situations where I had to perform, but I was a shell of myself. Hunter said Taker wants to work with you at WrestleMania. I said, ‘I’m not ready for WrestleMania with the Undertaker, mentally.’ That’s what got me back in the saddle. We had a hell of a match. He got me up and running. He was going to give me the Last Ride, I hated that. I was a little heavy, and he said dammit and gave me the tombstone. I was never so happy to have been tombstones. It was outlawed, but he gave it to me.”

Check out more from Ric Flair’s Q&A at the ESPN 30 For 30: Nature Boy screening at FanBuzz.com.