— According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the new 24/7 championship belt was largely created due to pressure from the USA Network. The story goes that the network has been concerned about slumping ratings and have been complaining for some time to WWE, specifically pointing to sagging third hour numbers.

— After USA continually pushed Vince McMahon to “fix” the third hour, WWE took its first big step by introducing the “wild card” rule as a way to not only bolster viewership numbers but to make Smackdown stronger in anticipation of the jump to FOX in the fall. The USA Network in particular had been sending WWE multiple suggestions to help Raw’s third hour, but apparently all the ideas were said to be “terrible.” When McMahon realize the had to accept one of their pitches, it was generally agreed that the 24/7 title was the best of the worst and so they went with it.

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