The show opened with the announce team plugging the interactive features on Facebook Watch. Once again the announce team included Michael Cole as the lead annoucer alongside Corey Graves and Beth Phoenix. Not on the show this week was Renee Young, who hosted the show in the first few weeks and also conducted post-match interviews.

Daniel Bryan won the fan vote to become the special guest referee. He marched to the ring leading a “yes” chant with a wacky ponytail on top of his head.

During the match, Rusev and Lane were trolling in the comments section.

Naomi & Jimmy Uso defeated Mandy Rose & Goldust

Jimmy splashed Goldust to score the pinfall after an assist by Naomi with a Rear View on Goldust. Much like other matches in the tournament, this match had plenty of gaga.

The men started the match. The ran through a few spots, and Goldust jokingly wanted a breather because of his age. That was merely a ploy, but Jimmy had a ploy of his own.

Soon thereafter, a contest between the teams at topping each other in public displays of affection saw the married couple up the ante by kissing. A “yes” chant gave Goldust the courage to try for a kiss from his tag partner. It was a trick by Jimmy as he snuck behind Goldust for a schoolboy. Daniel Bryan refused to count the pin because of the unsportsmanlike conduct.

The women picked up the pace as Mandy delivered a sit-out facebuster for a two count. Mandy worked over Naomi, and she slapped Jimmy in the process. That led to a hot tag to Jimmy. He ran wild and hit an Umaga splash in a corner to set up a near fall. Mandy jumped into the ring to break up the count.

Both teams did double team spots. Goldust executed the Final Count on Jimmy, and Naomi made the save to break the count. Moments later, Naomi did a placha over the ropes to the floor.

For the finish, Naomi hit Goldust with the Rear View. Jimmy then jumped off the top rope into a frog splash for a pinfall on Goldust.

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Following the match, Rusev & Lana came out for a live promo. Rusev led the crowd in chanting “Lana is the best — Lana is number one!” Lana vowed they would win their match next week and celebrate Rusev Day! Lana & Rusev meet Bayley & Elias in the next first round match.

A pre-tape promo from Bayley & Elias closed the show. Bayley tried to sing, but Elias told her to leave the music to him.


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