– Tonight’s WWE NXT season premiere episode opens up with a video package, narrated by Slipknot’s Corey Taylor. He calls NXT the most exclusive brand of combat in the world, and says if you’ve been looking for something more, then welcome home. We are NXT.
– We’re live from Full Sail Live in Winter Park, Florida as Mauro Ranallo welcomes us. He’s joined by Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix. Tonight’s show will air with limited commercial interruption and the first thirty minutes will be commercial-free.
NXT Title Match: Matt Riddle vs. Adam Cole
We go right to the ring and out comes Matt Riddle as the “Bro!” chant starts. We see NXT General Manager William Regal backstage as Riddle makes his way out. NXT Champion Adam Cole is out next. We see recent happenings that led to tonight’s title match.
Cole enters the ring and we get formal introductions from Alicia Taylor. The bell rings and Riddle quickly takes Cole down several times. Riddle goes for the Fujiwara armbar but Cole gets the bottom rope. They lock up and go to the corner. Cole backs off but kicks away as the referee warns him. Riddle with a gutwrench suplex and another, and another for a pop. Riddle with a 2 count. Riddle kicks Cole back a few times, and another to send Cole out of the ring to the floor. Riddle goes to bring Cole back in but Cole jumps and kicks him in the head. Riddle falls out to the floor. Cole charges and knocks Riddle into the steel ring steps. Cole brings it back into the ring and takes Riddle to the corner for offense.
Cole with more offense and another 2 count as fans do dueling chants now. They trade strikes in the middle of the ring now. Cole counters and drops Riddle for another pin attempt. Cole keeps control and slows the pace down, dropping Riddle again with a bicycle kick. Cole talks trash in the middle of the ring. Riddle fights back and unloads with strikes in the middle of the ring. Riddle kicks Cole in the head into the corner. Riddle with running strikes into the corner and an Exploder suplex. Cole avoids a Penalty Kick but Riddle comes back with the Bro-ton for a 2 count.
Cole blocks an Alabama Slam and rolls through. Riddle misses a knee. More back and forth now. Riddle with a big knee and a Fisherman’s buster for a close 2 count. Riddle with a big German suplex for another 2 count. Riddle with another kick. Riddle scoops Cole but Cole fights out with elbows. Riddle scoops him again but Cole counters in mid-air with a Backstabber. Riddle kicks out at 2. They trade strikes in the middle of the ring now, fighting to their feet. Cole stomps on Riddle’s bare feet but Riddle fights back and nails the injured wrist. Riddle with a huge knee strike but Cole comes right back with an enziguri. Riddle with a big German suplex but Cole comes right back with another Ushigoroshi for a close 2 count as fans go wild.
Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. More back and forth now. Cole sends Riddle out of the ring with another Bicycle kick. Cole leaps off the apron but Riddle rocks him on the way down. Riddle brings it back into the ring and goes for a Floating Bro. Cole gets his knees up and Riddle lands hard. Cole follows up with a big Panama Sunrise for another close 2 count. Fans chant “holy shit!” now. Cole exposes his knee and charges but Riddle collapses and Cole is forced to put the brakes on. Cole goes to the second rope for another Sunrise but Riddle catches him. Riddle with a Bro To Sleep and a powerbomb, then a big knee to the face. Riddle goes to the top for the Floating Bro but doesn’t get all of it. Cole barely kicks out in time and the crowd goes wild once again.
Fans chant “fight forever!” now as Riddle goes back to the top. Cole jumps up and crotches him. They trade shots up top now. Riddle rocks Cole back to the mat with a big chop. Riddle flies in over the top, showing off, and Cole superkicks him. Cole rocks Riddle again and goes back to the top. Cole hits the Sunrise but Riddle ends up applying the Bro-mission in the middle of the ring. Fans go wild again as the referee checks on Cole. Cole counters and turns it into a 2 count. Riddle drops Cole into the Fujiwara armbar again. Riddle drags Cole back but Cole rolls him into a 2 count. Riddle goes right back to the Fujiwara armbar, but on the left arm now. They break and Cole nails a big elbow. Cole immediately follows up with The Last Shot and covers for the pin to retain.
Winner: Adam Cole
– After the match, Cole sits up and raises his arm as The Undisputed Era’s music hits. Cole takes the NXT Title and raises it in the air as he stands back up. We go to replays. Fans chant “Undisputed!” as Cole stands tall with the title. The music interrupts and out comes Finn Balor to a huge pop. Full Sail Live goes wild and does Balor’s entrance with him. Cole looks on from the ring. Fans chant “holy shit!” at Balor. Balor stares Cole down as a “welcome back!” chant starts up. Balor says as of now, he is NXT. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Cole and Balor have a few words off the mic as Cole backs out of the ring. Balor’s music hits and he celebrates with the crowd as Cole talks some trash from the ramp. Balor is back in NXT.
– We get a video package for tonight’s NXT Women’s Title match. Champion Shayna Baszler is shown backstage, as is Candice LeRae.
– The Velveteen Dream comes out for “The Velveteen Dream Experience” on the stage. He has more women with him tonight and his couch.
Dream hypes himself and The Experience up. He then mentions NXT North American Champion Roderick Strong and challenges him to a match for the title that he lost. Dream talks more about Strong, challenging him to step out of the shadows of The Undisputed Era. Dream goes on and says soon it will be “DREAM OVER” for Strong.
– Lio Rush vs. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak is confirmed for next week.
Io Shirai vs. Mia Yim
We go back to the ring and out comes Io Shirai. Mia Yim is out next.
Shirai shoves Yim to start. They go at it and Yim takes Shirai down first. Yim with a big boot in the corner for a 2 count. Yim ducks an enziguri as fans do dueling chants. Yim sends Shirai out of the ring with an Atomic Drop. Yim with a baseball slide dropkick, sending Shirai into the barrier. Yim works Shirai around the outside of the ring as the referee counts. Fans chant for more chops and Yim delivers.
Yim brings it back into the ring but Shirai kicks her back to the barrier. Shirai brings it back into the ring as the screen splits with our first commercial break.
Back from the break and Yim tries to turn it around but Shirai stops her and shows some frustration. Shirai with a Flapjack in the middle of the ring. Shirai keeps control for another pin attempt. Yim avoids double knees in the corner. Yim blocks a Tiger Bomb. Shirai counters but Yim tosses her with an overhead throw. Fans do dueling chants while both are down now. They trade strikes and counters in the middle of the ring. Yim with a lariat and more offense. Yim drops Shirai with a dropkick. Yim takes out the knee and delivers a basement dropkick for a 2 count.
Yim with kicks while Shirai is on her knees now. Shirai counters with a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Shirai drops Yim into the ropes and nails a 619. Shirai springboards in and hits the missile dropkick for another 2 count. Shirai shows some frustration now. Yim fights Shirai off and hits Code Blue for a close 2 count. Shirai goes to the floor for a breather. Yim runs the ropes and hits a big suicide dive. Fans chant “NXT!” as the screen splits and we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Yim is up top but Shirai has climbed up, rocking her. Yim fights back. Shirai climbs up to the top for a superplex, and nails it. Shirai is slow to make the cover and Yim kicks out at 2. Shirai keeps control and goes back to the top, nailing the moonsault for the pin to win.
Winner: Io Shirai
– After the match, Shirai stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Shirai poses on the top as Yim recovers in the middle of the ring.
– We see WWE Hall of Famers Kevin Nash and Scott Hall at ringside in the front row. Fans cheer them on.
– We see The Street Profits and Bianca Belair arriving to the building.
– Mauro leads us to a video package on Tegan Nox.
Johnny Gargano vs. Shane Thorne
We go back to the ring and out comes Johnny Gargano to a big pop. Shane Thorne is out next.
They lock up and go at it. Fans start chanting “Johnny Wrestling!” now. Gargano knocks Thorne down first. Gargano taunts him and Thorne charges. They tangle on the mat. Gargano runs the ropes and takes Thorne back down for a 2 count. Gargano goes for the GargaNo Escape but Thorne gets the bottom rope to break it. Thorne rocks Gargano and slams him to the mat for some boos. We go to commercial as the screen splits.
Back from the break and Thorne has Gargano grounded after taking control during the break. Gargano counters a suplex with a knee to the head. Gargano mounts a comeback now. Gargano with a big chop in the corner. Gargano counters and rocks Thorne with a kick to the head. Gargano clotheslines Thorne over the top rope to the floor. Gargano runs for a suicide dive but Thorne meets him at the ropes with a forearm. Gargano runs again and this time nails the suicide dive for a big pop.
Gargano brings it back into the ring and slingshot Spears himself at Thorne for a 2 count. Gargano goes back to the apron and flies in but Thorne catches him in mid-air. They tangle but Gargano hits double knees in the corner. Thorne comes right back with a leg lariat in the corner and then a cannonball. Thorne with a big sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. Thorne unloads with kicks while Gargano is on his knees. Thorne charges but Gargano hits him with a forearm. They trade strikes and Thorne kicks Gargano in the back of the neck. Gargano comes right back and turns Thorne inside out. More back and forth. Thorne misses a kick and Gargano spikes him into the mat with the reverse hurricanrana. Gargano cranks up and hits a big superkick for the pin to win.
Winner: Johnny Gargano
– After the match, Gargano stands tall over Thorne and looks down at him as the music hits. We go to replays. Gargano plays to the crowd as they cheer him on.
– The announcers plug Friday’s big SmackDown FOX premiere.
NXT Women’s Title Match: Candice LeRae vs. Shayna Baszler
We go to the ring and out first comes Candice LeRae. NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler is out next with Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke. They talk on the stage but Baszler heads to the ring by herself. We get formal ring introductions from Taylor.
The bell rings and they tangle. Baszler strikes first but Candice hits a big enziguri and then knocks Baszler out of the ring. LeRae springboards from the apron and hits a crossbody on the floor as fans pop. The screen splits and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Baszler has LeRae in the corner. LeRae gets knocked back to the outside. Baszler follows and sends LeRae into the steel ring steps. Baszler taunts LeRae for a pop. Baszler places LeRae’s hand in the grip hole of the steps, then backs up and charges, slamming her arm. They return to the ring and Baszler delivers a knee to the gut in the corner for a 2 count. Baszler keeps LeRae grounded with a submission. LeRae finally gets the bottom rope. They end up on the apron. LeRae ducks a clothesline and tries for a German to the floor but Baszler hangs on. LeRae rocks Baszler and she falls to the floor. LeRae runs the ropes and hits a huge dive into the barrier.
LeRae returns to the ring and hits another big dive to the floor. LeRae goes back in for a third dive, taking Baszler down once again for a big pop. Fans chant “NXT!” now. LeRae brings it back in the ring and goes to the top but Baszler rocks her with a kick to the head. Baszler climbs up but LeRae knocks her to the mat. Baszler comes back and climbs up as fans do dueling chants. Baszler with a big super gutwrench suplex for a pop. The screen splits and we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and LeRae fights back in the middle of the ring. Baszler grabs her into the Kirifuda Clutch out of nowhere. LeRae immediately turns it around as the crowd goes wild. Baszler breaks it and applies a hanging Kirifuda Clutch in the corner. LeRae escapes and rocks her. LeRae climbs up with a super swinging neckbreaker from the top. Baszler kicks out just in time. More back and forth and dueling chants. Baszler with another Clutch. LeRae drops Baszler and goes for a moonsault but misses. Baszler goes right into the Kirifuda Clutch once again.
LeRae tries to fight free but Baszler re-positions on her back. LeRae tries to get to her feet with Baszler on her back, but can’t power up. Baszler still has the hold locked in, for more than a minute now. LeRae finally taps out and Baszler retains.
Winner: Shayna Baszler
– After the match, Baszler stands tall with the title in the air as her music hits. We go to replays. Baszler hits the ropes to pose some more while LeRae is still down on the mat.
– We see Stephanie McMahon in the front row with WWE Hall of Famers Mark Henry and Alundra Blayze.
– The announcers plug Sunday’s WWE Hell In a Cell pay-per-view.
– Nigel shows us recent happenings between Imperium and Kushida. WWE UK Champion WALTER is announced for next week.
Pete Dunne vs. Danny Burch
We go to the ring for the next match and out first comes Pete Dunne. Danny Burch is out next.
Burch hits the ring and gets in Dunne’s face before the bell. The bell rings and they lock up. They trade holds and Dunne takes Burch down. Dunne starts working on Burch’s fingers now. More back and forth now. Dunne takes Burch down into an armbar. Burch counters into a Crossface. They get back to their feet and both swing but miss. Burch runs the ropes but Dunne rocks him with a big shot. We go to commercial as a “BruiserWeight!” chant starts up.
Back from the break and Burch covers Dunne for a 2 count. They trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. Burch rocks Dunne into the corner with forearms. Dunne counters and delivers a kick, then a German. Dunne stomps on the fingers and kicks Burch in the face. Dunne with a sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring.
Burch counters and rolls Dunne for a 2 count. They collide in the middle of the ring with strikes. Burch with a headbutt. Burch catches Dunne with a Pop-up Powerbomb. Burch keeps control and delivers a knee. Burch with more big offense for another close 2 count. Burch shows some frustration. Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Dunne counters and delivers a kick. Dunne with more big strikes. Burch fights back. Dunne works on the fingers again. Dunne with a Bitter End in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.
Winner: Pete Dunne
– After the match, Dunne stands tall as the music hits. The lights go out and in comes Damian Priest. Priest comes from the side and drops Dunne with a big right hand. Priest drops Dunne with his rolling cutter finisher. Priest points to his name on the big screen and then talks trash down in Dunne’s face. Priest stands tall as his music plays now.
– Cathy Kelley is backstage with NXT Champion Adam Cole. She congratulates him and mentions how he used his cast to his advantage. Cole says the cast is required by WWE doctors and he didn’t use that to defeat Matt Riddle earlier. The Undisputed Era approaches and brings up Finn Balor. Cole says screw Balor, he’s not worried about what Balor is trying to do, he’s worried about making sure The Undisputed Era keeps their titles. Cole tells them to get in the zone and they walk off with Cole hyping them up.
– The announcers hype tonight’s main event for the NXT Tag Team Titles. We go to a video package for the match.
NXT Tag Team Titles Match: The Street Profits vs. The Undisputed Era
We go backstage to The Street Profits with rapper Wale. Wale says a few words before heading out to the arena with Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. Wale and The Street Profits enter the crowd to celebrate with fans, who are holding up red Solo cups. They head to the ring next with Wale on the mic. This goes on for a few minutes until the music hits and out comes the NXT Tag Team Champions Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly of The Undisputed Era. Taylor does formal ring introductions.
Dawkins starts off with O’Reilly and they trade holds. Dawkins drops O’Reilly with a shoulder and covers for a 1 count. The two teams face off in the ring. The champs go to the floor for a breather. Fish tags in and Hawkins takes him to the corner. Ford tags in to go at it with Fish now. Ford rocks Fish and Fish goes to the floor for a breather. The screen splits as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Ford dropkicks both opponents. Fish drops Ford with a big right hand to the jaw. Fish takes Ford to the corner and works him over. O’Reilly tags in to keep the offense going. O’Reilly takes Ford down and drops forearms, then drives knees. O’Reilly keeps control and taunts Dawkins. Ford and O’Reilly trade strikes now. O’Reilly drops Ford but gets rolled up for a 2 count. O’Reilly with more big strikes to drop Ford. Fish tags back in for a 2 count. Fish rocks Ford into the ropes and takes him down. Fish flies in from the apron with a senton for another 2 count.
Fish takes Ford back to the corner and the champs hit a double suplex. O’Reilly covers for a 2 count. O’Reilly mounts Ford and pounds on him now. Ford fights off another double team but they turn it back around. Fish with a snap suplex, and another. Fish with a third snap suplex for a 2 count. Fish takes it back to the corner and tags in O’Reilly for double team kicks. O’Reilly covers for another 2 count as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Ford fights off another double team. Ford sends Fish out of the ring to the floor. Ford drives O’Reilly into the mat with a Uranage. Dawkins waits for the hot tag. Fish knocks Dawkins off the apron. O’Reilly turns it back around on Ford with rolling butterfly suplexes. Fish tags back in for the big double team for another close 2 count. The double teaming continues on Ford.
Ford finally makes the hot tag to Dawkins. Dawkins runs wild on both opponents. He runs right through a double team and drops them both for a pop. Dawkins with 360 splashes on both opponents. Dawkins keeps control and hits a Spear on Fish, sending him to the floor. Dawkins and O’Reilly go at it now, trading shots. Dawkins catches O’Reilly with a big suplex for a 2 count. Dawkins charges but runs into a knee. O’Reilly unloads in the corner now. Fish with a cheap shot as the referee is distracted by O’Reilly. Dawkins clears the ring and crawls for a tag but Ford is nowhere to be seen. O’Reilly flies from the top and hits a diving knee on Dawkins. O’Reilly with a leg submission. Fish comes in and fights Ford, catching him in a guillotine. Ford drives Fish into O’Reilly and Dawkins, breaking the hold.
Fans chant “NXT!” now. Dawkins and O’Reilly keep fighting in the middle of the ring. Dawkins lands a big enziguri. Fish tags in and goes to the top but misses a top rope splash. Ford tags in and follows up with a splash on Fish for a close 2 count. Dawkins places Fish on his shoulders as Ford goes to the top but O’Reilly makes the save. Dawkins fights both opponents at ringside now. Ford runs and leaps out, taking all three down. Fans chant “holy shit!” now. NXT North American Champion Roderick Strong interferes but Dawkins hits a Spear on him. They both fall to the floor from the apron. The champs hit the High Low on Ford and O’Reilly covers for the pin to retain.
Winners: Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish
– After the match, Strong stands tall in the middle of the ring with Fish and O’Reilly. NXT Champion Adam Cole appears on the ramp and raises his title at his partners in the ring. The music hits and out comes Tommaso Ciampa making his return. Fans go wild at Ciampa’s return from neck surgery. Ciampa slowly walks out to the stage and stares Cole down, also keeping an eye on the title. Cole and Ciampa face off on the stage. The NXT season premiere goes off the air with Cole and Ciampa staring each other down on the stage.
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